Cosmetics: Difference between revisions

From Straftat Wiki
Added bottoms
(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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== Hats ==
== Hats ==

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center"
! colspan="5" style="background-color: #f2f2f2;" | Core Hats
! colspan="5" style="background-color: #f2f2f2;" | Core Hats
| [[File:T_Bonnetti_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Bonnetti]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Bonnetti_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Bonnetti]]
| [[File:T_Bordelais_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Bordelais]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Bordelais_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Bordelais]]
| [[File:T_Calvasse_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Calvasse]]UNLOCK:
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Calvasse_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Calvasse]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Cap_Renaissance_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Cap Renaissance]]
Reach 10000XP.
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Caterpillar_00.png|thumb|center|150px|Caterpillar]]
| [[File:T_Cap_Renaissance_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Cap Renaissance]]
| [[File:T_Caterpillar_00.png|thumb|center|150px|Caterpillar]]UNLOCK:
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
Reach 4000XP.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Reach 10000XP.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Reach 4000XP.
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_CistercianSpecial_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Cistercian Special]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Detective_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Detective]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Docks_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Docks]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_EarBulb_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Ear Bulb]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Ellipsoid_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Ellipsoid]]
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Reach 1000XP.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Taze your enemy.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Perform a rocket jump.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Break 20 windows.
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Emery_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Emery]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Face_Icon_01.png|center|thumb|150px|Face Icon 01]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Factory_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Factory]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Fez_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Fez]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Fishermann_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Fishermann]]
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Kill your opponent with a headshot.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Default
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Throw a ragdoll into the void.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Reach 8000XP.
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Hauptmann_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Hauptmann]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_HyperCap_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Hyper Cap]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Jalisco_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Jalisco]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Ladee_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Ladee]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Maurice_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Maurice]]
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Reach 3000XP.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Kill your enemy with a sniper no-scope.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Kill your opponent with a prop.
| [[File:T_CistercianSpecial_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Cistercian Special]]UNLOCK:
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Papakha_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Papakha]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_RaeBahn_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Rae Bahn]]
Reach 1000XP.
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Resultman_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Resultman]]
| [[File:T_Detective_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Detective]]UNLOCK:
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Snakey_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Snakey]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_SonoraLeather_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Sonora Leather]]
Taze your enemy.
| [[File:T_Docks_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Docks]]
| [[File:T_EarBulb_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Ear Bulb]]
Perform a rocket jump.
| [[File:T_Ellipsoid_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Ellipsoid]]
Break 20 windows.
| [[File:T_Emery_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Emery]]
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Reach 5000XP.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Reach 9000XP.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
Kill your opponent
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Play 5 games.
with a headshot.
| [[File:T_Face_Icon_01.png|center|thumb|150px|Face Icon 01]]
| [[File:T_Factory_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Factory]]
| [[File:T_Fez_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Fez]]UNLOCK:
Throw a ragdoll
into the void.
| [[File:T_Fishermann_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Fishermann]]UNLOCK:
Reach 8000XP.
| [[File:T_Hauptmann_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Hauptmann]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_SonoraStraw_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Sonora Straw]]
| [[File:T_HyperCap_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Hyper Cap]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_SouthDocks_00.png|center|thumb|150px|South Docks]]
| [[File:T_Jalisco_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Jalisco]]UNLOCK:
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_StrawBoy_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Straw Boy]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Tubetika_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Tubetika]]
Reach 3000XP.
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Turq_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Turq]]
| [[File:T_Ladee_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Ladee]]UNLOCK:
Kill your enemy with
a sniper no-scope.
| [[File:T_Maurice_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Maurice]]UNLOCK:
Kill your opponent
with a prop.
| [[File:T_Papakha_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Papakha]]UNLOCK:
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Break 50 pots.
Reach 5000XP.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| [[File:T_RaeBahn_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Rae Bahn]]UNLOCK:
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Reach 2000XP.
Reach 9000XP.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Reach 6000XP.
| [[File:T_Resultman_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Resultman]]
| [[File:T_Snakey_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Snakey]]
| [[File:T_SonoraLeather_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Sonora Leather]]UNLOCK:
Play 5 games.
| [[File:T_SonoraStraw_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Sonora Straw]]UNLOCK:
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Vicar_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Vicar]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Zacatecas_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Zacatecas]]
Break 50 pots.
| style="width: 160px;" |
| [[File:T_SouthDocks_00.png|center|thumb|150px|South Docks]]
| style="width: 160px;" |
| [[File:T_StrawBoy_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Straw Boy]]
| style="width: 160px;" |
| [[File:T_Tubetika_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Tubetika]]UNLOCK:
Reach 2000XP.
| [[File:T_Turq_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Turq]]UNLOCK:
Reach 6000XP.
| [[File:T_Vicar_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Vicar]]UNLOCK:
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Get 43 kills.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Unlock: Reach 7000XP.
Get 43 kills.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| [[File:T_Zacatecas_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Zacatecas]]UNLOCK:
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
Reach 7000XP.
! colspan="5" style="background-color: #f2f2f2;" | Community Hats
! colspan="5" style="background-color: #f2f2f2;" | Community Hats
| [[File:T_Binoculars_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Binoculars]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Binoculars_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Binoculars]]
(Credit: DX)
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_CoupHead_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Coup Head]]
| [[File:T_CoupHead_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Coup Head]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_HeadSet_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Headset]]
(Credit: DX)
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_LowPoly_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Low Poly]]
| [[File:T_HeadSet_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Headset]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_MicroWave_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Microwave]]
(Credit: DX)
| [[File:T_LowPoly_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Low Poly]]
(Credit: DX)
| [[File:T_MicroWave_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Microwave]]
(Credit: DX)
| [[File:T_PaperHat_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Paper Hat]]
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |(Credit: DX)
(Credit: DX)
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |(Credit: DX)
| [[File:T_Photo_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Photo]]
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |(Credit: DX)
(Credit: DX)
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |(Credit: DX)
| [[File:T_Shades_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Shades]]
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |(Credit: DX)
(Credit: DX)
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_PaperHat_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Paper Hat]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Photo_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Photo]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Shades_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Shades]]
| style="width: 160px;" |
| style="width: 160px;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |(Credit: DX)
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |(Credit: DX)
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |(Credit: DX)
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
! colspan="5" style="background-color: #f2f2f2;" | '''DLC Hats'''
! colspan="5" style="background-color: #f2f2f2;" | '''DLC Hats'''
| [[File:T_BunnyRider_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Bunny Rider]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_BunnyRider_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Bunny Rider]]
| [[File:T_Janitor_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Janitor]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Janitor_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Janitor]]
| [[File:T_Jeeto_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Jeeto]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Jeeto_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Jeeto]]
| [[File:T_Kloster_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Kloster]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Kloster_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Kloster]]
| [[File:T_Lizzard_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Lizzard]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Lizzard_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Lizzard]]
| [[File:T_MoundsDweller_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Mounds Dweller]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_MoundsDweller_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Mounds Dweller]]
| [[File:T_NoChill_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|No Chill]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_NoChill_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|No Chill]]
| [[File:T_PuMask_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Pu Mask]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_PuMask_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Pu Mask]]
| [[File:T_Resultman_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Resultman]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Resultman_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Resultman]]
| [[File:T_Welder_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Welder]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Welder_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Welder]]
! colspan="5" style="background-color: #f2f2f2;" | Unreleased / Datamined Hats
! colspan="5" style="background-color: #f2f2f2;" | Unreleased / Datamined Hats
| [[File:T_Face_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Face Icon]]
| style="width: 160px;" | [[File:T_Face_Icon_00.png|center|thumb|150px|Face Icon]]
Seems to be a
| style="width: 160px;" |
| style="width: 160px;" |
Copy of Default
| style="width: 160px;" |
| style="width: 160px;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |Seems to be a copy of the default hat.
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |
| style="width: 160px; white-space: normal;" |

Line 166: Line 164:
| [[File:Suit_Tracks.png|center|thumb|150px|Tracks Suit]]
| [[File:Suit_Tracks.png|center|thumb|150px|Tracks Suit]]
| [[File:Suit_Viet.png|center|thumb|150px|Viet Suit]]
| [[File:Suit_Viet.png|center|thumb|150px|Viet Suit]]
| [[File:Suit_Garage.png|center|thumb|150px|Garage Suit]]
! colspan="5" style="background-color: #f2f2f2;" | '''Unreleased / Datamined'''
! colspan="5" style="background-color: #f2f2f2;" | '''Unreleased / Datamined'''
| [[File:Suit_Garage.png|center|thumb|150px|Garage Suit]]
Line 177: Line 181:

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
* Mbabane Suit was made by [[Credits|Leonard Lemaitre]].
* The community hats were all posted at once on the STRAFTAT Discord, 11/02/2024 at 2:26 PM UTC.

== Sources ==
== Sources ==

Latest revision as of 19:36, 26 January 2025


Core Hats
Cap Renaissance
Unlock: Reach 10000XP. Unlock: Reach 4000XP.
Cistercian Special
Ear Bulb
Unlock: Reach 1000XP. Unlock: Taze your enemy. Unlock: Perform a rocket jump. Unlock: Break 20 windows.
Face Icon 01
Unlock: Kill your opponent with a headshot. Default Unlock: Throw a ragdoll into the void. Unlock: Reach 8000XP.
Hyper Cap
Unlock: Reach 3000XP. Unlock: Kill your enemy with a sniper no-scope. Unlock: Kill your opponent with a prop.
Rae Bahn
Sonora Leather
Unlock: Reach 5000XP. Unlock: Reach 9000XP. Unlock: Play 5 games.
Sonora Straw
South Docks
Straw Boy
Unlock: Break 50 pots. Unlock: Reach 2000XP. Unlock: Reach 6000XP.
Unlock: Get 43 kills. Unlock: Reach 7000XP.
Community Hats
Coup Head
Low Poly
(Credit: DX) (Credit: DX) (Credit: DX) (Credit: DX) (Credit: DX)
Paper Hat
(Credit: DX) (Credit: DX) (Credit: DX)
DLC Hats
Bunny Rider
Mounds Dweller
No Chill
Pu Mask
Unreleased / Datamined Hats
Face Icon
Seems to be a copy of the default hat.


Core Suits
Armour Suit
Mbabane Suit
Painter Suit
Sportit Suit
Classic Suit
DLC Suits
Race Suit
Sewer Suit
Swiss Suit
Tracks Suit
Viet Suit
Garage Suit
Unreleased / Datamined


  • Mbabane Suit was made by Leonard Lemaitre.
  • The community hats were all posted at once on the STRAFTAT Discord, 11/02/2024 at 2:26 PM UTC.
