Mods and Resources

From Straftat Wiki

Brief Description

This page is for the resources of Game Mods as well as some potentially recommended Quality of Life Mods.

How to install Mods

Using Thunderstore Mod Manager or r2modman, using their platform to browse mode.

Recommended Mods

Straftat Stream Safety
Custom Game Music
Crosshair Overlay

Modding Resources

This is where people smarter than me can talk about things that can help others!

Community Map Creation Guide

The following guide is made under the premise of at least being somewhat familiar with Blender or another 3D Modeling software on a baseline level, if not then there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube.

Important Details

  • Blocking and transfering your idea to something more tangible is important; not only does it help you focus on the fun part more but it also helps you give a reference to work from since things like weapon choice and lighting can affect how a map is ultimately played.
  • Keep in mind that Straftat is more akin to that of Classic Quake Deathmatch rather than a traditional First Person Shooter such as Counter Strike or Call of Duty; players typically focus on pathfinding, understanding options and fast movement.
  • Make sure to establish the size and scale of the player, it's important to remember that the player model is roughly 2 meters high and 1 meter in width. For crawl spaces, keep it to around 1.5 meters so that players can slide with it being 1 meter wide also.