This template allows you to add images on top of links.
The element will be an inline block, meaning several can appear in one line. You can give them all a specific width and height to get a nice consistent layout.
Standard width/height is 150:
{{ImageLink | AK.png | AK | AK}} {{ImageLink | GLock.png | Glock | Glock}} {{ImageLink | Passive Feature Generic Icon.png | Feats | Just a test with very very long text }}
Limiting width only; note this may cause the text to clip as seen here:
{{ImageLink | AK.png | AK | AK | w = 50 }} {{ImageLink | GLock.png | Glock | Glock | w = 50 }}
Limiting height only:
{{ImageLink | AK.png | AK | AK | h = 50 }} {{ImageLink | GLock.png | Glock | Glock | h = 50 }}
Limiting width and height:
{{ImageLink | AK.png | AK | AK | w = 50 | h = 50 }} {{ImageLink | GLock.png | Glock | Glock | w = 50 | h = 50 }}
You might have noticed the text is often too wide for the icon... You can specify a font size:
{{ImageLink | AK.png | AK | w = 80 | h = 80 | font size = 80% }} {{ImageLink | GLock.png | Glock | Glock | w = 80 | h = 80 | font size = 80% }}